CommUnity Partners
Movements Move with CommUnity Action

Our Small Business and Non-Profit relationships allow us to further the mission of bettering the community and the lives of those who live within it. We partner with those doing good within the community, partnering our strengths, supporting one another and creating something better, together, fully supported.

our partners
Our partnerships happen organically. Sometimes it is by chance, sometimes through intention, and sometimes it can not be described as anything but magic.
Our missions align
We respect the other's work
It is beneficial to the community
This is what makes a great partnership. We believe our organization is made better through each partnership and through that, we can serve the community in a more diverse way.
What nonprofit Organizations has FIFABQ worked with?
School Gardens Project
Jewish Community Center
The Barrett House
Food Not Bombs ABQ
Crossroads for Women
Unitarian Church of ABQ
The Source
Roots Farm
Silver Horizons
ABQFW Refugee Resettlement
God's Warehouse
BernCo’s Youth Services Center
Expect a Miracle
The Storehouse
Valencia County, Bosque Farms, Peralta, Los Lunas Senior Centers
UNM Pantry
Domestic Violence Resource Center
South Valley Farm Collective, ABQ Really Free Market, Central New Mexico Treatment Center, St. Elizabeth's Santa Fe , Los Padillas Food Distro, Atrisco High Culinary Arts, Greater ABQ Senior Centers
You too can make a difference! Not only through volunteering but through the support of local businesses.
Below are some of the great businesses that have continued to support FIFABQ.
Three Sisters Kitchen, Trifecta Coffee Co., Soilutions, RGFP, EverestNM, SilverLeaf Farms, Alameda Greenhouse, Osuna Nursery, Cottonwood Mall, ABQ Home + Garden Show, La Esquinita, Jackalope Nursery ABQ