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Seeding Love

The days were chilly and the wind had that certain winter bite to it. Bundled in sweaters around a table, we chose Feb 29 as our official Seed Share. It was such a whimsical date, a leap year. This felt so fitting, based on the leaps and bounds we had been taking recently.

Before we knew it, January had found us, still tucked away in our winter slumbers. It was time to come out and it was time to start setting into motion the many plans we had laid out the previous fall. Ready or still looking for our pants, it was time to get to work.

The seed donation request letters were flown out on the wings of messenger owls, ok, emails. Owls would be cooler. Regardless of the less than preferred delivery method, the letters were well received.

To our delight and amazement, our total number of donated seeds for the 2020 season surpassed 3,000 packs! Adding to the leftovers we still had from a large donation late in the spring last year!

A week prior to the Share, a group was gathered for The Great Stickering of 2020! We had 15 volunteers in attendance and ready to sticker until their fingers fell off. Fortunately, for the sake of everyone’s appendages, we were out of stickers in probably 30 minutes and had barely even touched what we had brought. A new plan was quickly thrown into action.

With the speed of a cheetah, a volunteer quickly retrieved four large sheets of sparkly paper from the trunk of his car. Volunteers were busily sorting seeds into specialty garden packs (my favorite was the goth garden, please share those photos with us!). Others busily cut pieces of painted cardboard for the labels.

Another table worked on cutting words and photos from magazines to be used by Smash Bus Art Studio. The community art project was building in our minds while we cut and snipped.

The laughter and energy was contagious. Some volunteers had known one another for years, some months, and some five minutes, but it felt as though we’d been friends for a lifetime.

After much anticipation and excitement it was finally The Day! Our luck was with us, the forecast was absolutely delicious for an early spring day. The deliciousness of the day can just not be expressed enough.

In years past, our event has always been staffed by just a few dedicated hands. This year? This year there were new faces coming to help at every turn, at every basket, and at every table being shucked into order. The whirlwind of activity was an astounding thing to bare witness to; it was magic.

The space at The Source is one of Albuquerque’s many vibrant and welcoming spaces. Plants of various shapes and varieties line the walkways inviting all to envision the green that is spring. A tucked away community garden lays toward the back of the venue with a bright mural lining the wall to be enjoyed by all who enter the space.

Guests began meandering in right on time to begin choosing their treasures destined for their gardens. The air was bustling with the laughter of children under foot while the adults discussed chicken poop with compost. Did you know that chicken poop must be aged for six months before it can be used in a garden? The things you learn at the Seed Share!

Community members were bursting with excitement over the items they had selected. Questions being asked and answered. Loose seeds of marigolds were stuffed into vessels. Interesting seed shapes were oooo’d and aahhh’d over.

Past the coffee shop and welcome station through the large double gates sat the brightly colored Smash Bus in all her glory. Large pieces of painted wood were available for all to express themselves creatively through mixed media. The vision of a community for all to see and all to partake in.

The end of the event found every volunteer smiling from ear to ear. Each expressing their favorite parts of the day while everyone worked to pack up the beautiful chaos that we had all drank up along with the warm sunny air.

We estimate, based on a dedicated 11-year-old with a hand clicker, this year's Seed Share saw over 300 people pass through this shared space. Guests received seeds and took seeds home to their neighbors and friends. Please share your gardening adventures and photos with us via our website and social media!

Thanks to the continued and rock solid support of our community FIFABQ was able to share this resource and space with everyone who passed through the doors. We'd love to hear YOUR feedbackabout the seed share:

It is our honor and our pleasure to put this event on year after year. We are happy to know you and we are grateful for you, dear reader, for bringing your magic into our wonderful community.

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