Your Food is Free Albuquerque Resource Center
This page includes links to Growing + Planting Resources in the Land of Enchantment.
These are resources we believe in and hope will offer you knowledge and help!
They can help you understand the science of the various soils in our area and tell you what grows best here. Along with bugs, plant botany, plant diseases, growing fruits, and vegetables, caring for your lawn, and growing roses.
The Master Composter organization provides basic composting classes for the general public + trains volunteers.
How composting worlds, the do's and don'ts, benefits, and building a composting system. Based in Austin, Tx but still applicable in ABQ!
NMSU's Seed to Supper course is a free online course designed to help guide the beginning gardener from soil prep to harvest! Sign up for their course above + download the book here!
NMSU: Growing Zones, Recommended Crop Varieties, and Planting and Harvesting Information for Home Vegetable Gardens in New Mexico
Resources for the propagation, harvesting, safe handling, drying, preserving, and recipes containing tomatoes.
Planting + Harvesting
Beautiful flowers, leaves, and fruit; provide much needed cooling shade; serve as habitat and food for birds and other wildlife; and, most importantly, produce healthful and delicious food
Many types of soils are used for growing grapes, but they are most successfully grown on sandy or fine sandy loams with average fertility and good drainage
There are MANY wonderful nurseries + garden centers in Albuquerque full of resources! A few of our favorites to check out:
Have More Questions?
Contact the ABQ Master Gardeners!
From March through the end of October you can call the Master Gardener Hotline
at (505) 292-7144 (from 11AM - 2PM),
or (505) 243-1386 (from 9AM to 12Pm & 12:30-3:30PM) on weekdays (except holidays),
to speak to a Master Gardener, or you can arrange for an in-person consultation at the Extension Office.

TED TALKS addressing food waste
Ted Talk: Tristram Stuart
The global food waste scandal
America has TWICE the amount of food on it;s grocery store shelves than is needed to feed it's people.Â
Western countries throw out nearly half of their food, not because it's inedible -- but because it doesn't look appealing. Tristram Stuart delves into the shocking data of wasted food, calling for a more responsible use of global resources.
Around 6Â minutes is a GREAT demonstration of food waste and how it occurs even before we get it to our home.
Tedx Talk: Rob Greenfield
How To End The Food Waste Fiasco
While we do not suggest Dumpster Diving for Food
- this is an EXCELLENT example of the food that is wasted, that promote food insecurity, etc.
There are millions around the world who don’t know where their next meal will come from.
Rob is on a mission to solve this problem. We can all easily be a part of the solution… and it starts with a dumpster.
His extreme adventures and activism campaigns may appear unattainable at first glance but within them are an abundance of simple lessons and tips that can be adapted into any life to live with more happiness, health, and freedom.