To the Movers, the Shakers and Kind-Word Speakers:
FIFABQ entered 2020 with big dreams and goals. I know in every newsletter there is a link asking you to sign up to join our exciting adventures. I know how much you want to throw your hat in the ring and do some shucking.
This year has hit us with some curveballs and we’ve had to be quick on our feet to adjust, adapt, and make it through. I know we are not the only ones feeling the pressure this year. We have tried to stay positive through it all and have been feverishly working on our volunteer program, eager to see all of your wonderful faces. Trying to create a system that works smoothly so when you come on board it is a natural, easy process. We kept working and creating while we waited for what was coming next, ever-hopeful that we would get to finally send out a big email to you and everyone who has signed up to help feed the world. Throughout it all, we have kept hope.
Here it is the beginning of August, sweltering heat begging the skies for our dose of beloved monsoons, and I am writing this to you. The world remains uncertain. There are more questions than there are answers. We have to ensure the safety of all our volunteers at this time. We have continued to follow the state’s guidelines and mandates.
We will continue to pivot.

This is not to say that we aren’t opening volunteer opportunities this year. However, the volunteer program we envisioned has necessarily shifted.I am asking you to pivot with us. We cannot operate and reach our dreams without you and everyone else raised their hands to help. In this pivot, I am requesting compassion as we work through each obstacle.
We are going to do our best to identify any harvests where we can operate safely and socially-distanced, but these will be unique situations. Our Lead Harvesters will determine this factor, and it will remain solely their decision each harvest. Our experienced and heavily-trained Lead Harvesters (there are 3 of us) are still harvesting. It’s slower; it’s much quieter. The conversations, the laughter, and the joy our volunteers bring are sorely missed. I personally miss interacting with our vibrantly wonderful community.
I know this isn’t forever, it is just for now.
This isn’t what we planned for but this is where we are. To face that reality with open hearts takes bravery. We are committed to our mission throughout this. We just have to take a road that wasn’t on our map. It’s scary to be in the uncharted and unknown territory but I know we are not alone. You are not alone either.
Be kind to yourself and each other. We could all use an extension of a little grace.
All our love,
Erin & FIFABQ Crew

To summarize, volunteer opportunities may arise but understand anything in-person will be determined case-by-case by Lead Harvesters. We greatly miss our volunteers, but your safety comes first. Patience has become the name of our day-to-day.
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