We have a unique ask ... no fruit involved! ...unless you want to involve it, we suppose!
In trying to set FIFABQ as well as we can for 2020, we will be participating in this year's #GivingTuesday campaign. While we are looking for funding, our biggest priority is spreading our message. And what better way to do that than by hearing from our biggest supporters why they give. Psst, yeah, totally talking about YOU. It's called a #UNSelfie. I've attached mine as an example.
All you need to do is: - Take a selfie! (with or without an explanation of why you give--you can type it out as well, if you prefer)
- Post on social media--make sure to tag Food is Free Albuquerque!! We are on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- OR send to socialmedia@fifabq.org and we will get it posted for you!
And! If any of you out there are saying "But I don't give..." you couldn't be more wrong. You are our core supporters. YOU keep US going. Every minute spent harvesting, Facebook comment, volunteer email read, and dollar given has helped us become who we are today and will catapult us to where we aim to be.